this Lady Gaga Bad Romance Dubstep Remix mp3 free online
Or hear this remix song on youtube
Lady Gaga is on top of everything right now and destroying the charts so its no wonder that remixes of her songs are a hot commodity.
Lady ga ga ga remixes, despite the demand, are few and far between on the net and gaga remix torrents are rare.
"Lady GaGa Paparazzi (FAMUEL Remix)" mp3 free
One of my favorite lady gaga remixes would have to be
"Lady gaga - Monster - Starfuckers remix"
"Lady GaGa - Monster (Starfuckers Remix)" mp3 free courtesy of soundcloud and the kind djs that post their mixes there. That is what I love about the remix community, most of the music is not for sale. It is simply out there to promote the amazing musicians who create these killer remixes and flood the world with some sick tunes.
Actually I lied.. as I was writing this I stumbled across this tasty little Dubstep remix of lady gaga's Alejandro remixed by Rusko's Pupuseria. This has become my new favorite remix of a ga ga track. Whats that? You want a free copy of it.. well ok here ya go
"Lady Gaga - Alejandro - Rusko's Papuseria Dubstep Remix" mp3 free
I was recently reading an article online that said lady gaga has surpassed the president as the most influential person in the world. I wonder what it feels like to have that kind of power at your fingertips.
If per chance any dj's or producers read this I would love to hear a remix of lady gaga with some bassnectar tracks.
If you haven't already visited Lady Gaga's Official Website, do so now. I was surprised to find not a single remix there. I guess she is too busy creating the originals to worry about the remixes.
I also find myself spending a lot of time on youtube lately and I recommend visiting Lady Gaga's Youtube video channel - LadyGagaVEVO. Not only does it have every one of gaga's videos that are out right now and songs but it also has many links to what is happening right now with her career and music.
Got something to say about lady gaga or just want to hear the latest gossip? Visit Lady Gaga's Official Site Forum and join the masses who are chatting about her right now. There is also a section in the forum where dj's post the latest remixes of lady gaga that they have produced. Forums are also a great way to communicate with like minded people on a shared music interest. Beware though, there are many a mean troll out there waiting to insult you so you should have a thick skin when entering this world.
There was a rumor floating around the net saying that a Dj had been challenged to remix lady gaga's entire latest record in the dubstep fashion. He was quoted as saying "I could do it, but I have better things to do with my time". Dj Mike Vetty had done a great job of remixing one of the Lady's tracks, which is soon to be released, and that is why he was put up to the challenge.
I will be posting links to more Lady Ga ga ga remixes as I find them if they are worthy. The Main genre of remixes that I like are Dubstep, Breakbeats, House, and Hip Hop.
I love hearing what different djs can do to lady gaga's music. that Alejandro dubstep remix is sweet. I downloaded it and am listening to it now. THANKS
Im not sure if people should remix lady gaga's music at all. I know its cool to do it and big Dj's do it and say its not hurting gaga but im not so sure about that. Say a remix is made and the mp3 is distributed to millions for free. Now from all of those downloads for remixes is it taking people away from actually seeing lady gaga's original work? I think so. Not that I dont enjoy some lady gaga remixes its just I feel bad obtaining them for free.
You could not be more wrong Katie (comment above). When one of lady ga ga's songs are remixed it transforms from pop music into whatever genre the dj or producer chooses. therefore it brings music lovers from other genres to listen to a distorted version of gaga'a stuff but if not for hearing that transformed version, they would most likely not want to listen to it at all.
You are both right in a way but devlin is more correct. Remixes introduce the song to a much wider audience especially with lady gaaga remixes cause she is on top 10 everything right now.
sorry gaga but I like the remixes better. Not just cause they are free to download but because Im not really into your kind of music. dont get me wrong you make great songs but I am a dubstep fan and I like your songs in that genre better.ga ga ga ha ha ha
So you take a lady gaga remix. You add it to the other million lady gaga remixes on line and what do you have? just another crappy remix. whether the remix be dubstep, house, breakbeat I dont care, nothing will be as good as the original. So the remix is in the genre you prefer so you like it better than the original but at least acknowledge the original gaga song is a thousand times better than the remixes out there. A remix is basically only a warped version of the original song.
Sorry had to vent. I love lady gaga and just dont want to see her music tarnished.
alehondro was the sickest remix. thanks for the download. on the issue of if remixes hurt lady gaga's career in any way.. the answer is hell no. Maybe help her but not hurt her.
For those above worrying about remixes affecting gaga's original work it is proven that it does not hurt. Many big artists over the years have been asked what they think about the remixes being done on there original tracks and then being downloaded for free by millions and most responded by saying it was positive exposure for their music and also helped to expand their fan base.
So lets keep the remixes flowing. especially the lady gaga ones. my favorite.
I love you gaga
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